Depending on the type of fees incurred, the money you have to pay out of pocket may automatically be submitted to your HSA, but not in all cases.
Health professionals registered with TELUS Health eClaims
If your health professional, such as your dentist, eye specialist or massage therapist, is registered1 for Telus Health's eClaims service:
- You don't have to do anything. Your health professional will submit your claim for you. Any fees you pay out of pocket will be automatically submitted to your HSA.
- If you don't want to use your HSA to cover your fees, or if you want to coordinate your claims with another group insurance plan, you'll need to call our Client Relations Centre to let us know.
Health professionals not registered with Telus Health's eClaims service
If your health professional, such as your dentist, eye specialist or massage therapist, is not registered1 for Telus Health's eClaims service:
- You have to pay the full amount, then claim the amount under your HSA using one of the
accepted methods. If you have another plan, you have to coordinate benefits before submitting your claim.
- If you use your payment card for medication, the amount you pay out of pocket will not automatically be submitted to your HSA. You have to submit a claim using your HSA.
- If you don't use your payment card, you need to pay the full amount, then submit a claim using your HSA. If you have another plan, you have to coordinate benefits before submitting your claim.
If you don't have extended healthcare or dental benefits, you can always submit a claim under your HSA using our secure website or paper form. Dentists, eye specialists and other authorized health professionals can also submit a claim for you.
Learn more about the health spending account
Submit a claim using your HSA