Promotional materials

​​​​​​Looking for ways to help your clients learn more about Desjardins Insurance – Opens a tooltip and our products and services? We offer a variety of promotional materials and tools, designed to support your efforts. Check out the list below for all the promotional materials available.

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Omni app

Omni mobile app – Interactive demo

Registration video (MP4, 9.6 MB) External link. Opens in a new window..

[Background music: Gentle music.]

[Text on screen: Omni]

[On a light green background, a smartphone appears with the Desjardins Insurance Omni app icon. Then, an illustrated hand points and taps the icon to open the app on the phone screen.]

[Text on screen: Register in 4 easy steps. Select Group insurance.]

[Two options appear – "Group insurance" and "Group retirement savings". A box appears around the "Group insurance" option, and an arrow points to the box. The box blinks when selected.]

[Text on screen: Select Register]

[The phone screen shows the app login page, then a box appears around the "Register" icon, and an arrow points to the box. The word "Register" blinks when selected.]

[Text on screen: 1. Enter your plan information]

[The screen shows the online services registration page. A box appears around the first section — "Plan information". An arrow points to the box.]

[Text on screen: 2. Enter the required information]

[Still on the online services registration page, a box appears around the second section — "Personal information". An arrow points to the box.]

[Text on screen: 3. Enter or create a User ID]

[A box then appears around the last section — "User ID". The "Yes, use my existing User ID and password" option is ticked in this example. An arrow points to the box.]

[Text on screen: 4. Tap Submit]

[At the bottom of the same page, the "Submit" button blinks as it is selected.]

[Text on screen: That's it! Registration complete. Welcome to Omni]

[The registration is now complete, and the phone goes back to the app home screen, with its various features. Green bands from the Desjardins logo frame the phone, then stretch out to cover the entire screen.]

[Image on screen: The Desjardins Financial Security logo gradually takes shape.]

[Background music: End with Desjardins 6-note jingle.]


Simulation video (MP4, 8.3 MB) External link. Opens in a new window..

[Background music: Gentle music.]

[Text on screen: Omni]

[On a light green background, a smartphone appears with the Desjardins Insurance Omni app icon. Then, an illustrated hand points and taps the icon directing the user to the app's home screen and features on the phone screen.]

[Text on screen: Check drug costs and coverage in a few clicks. Depending on your plan, this feature may not be available. Select "Drug coverage".]

[A box appears around the "Drug coverage" feature on the screen. An arrow points to the box, which blinks as the selection is made.]

[Text on screen: Choose the patient. Specify postal code. Enter the name of the drug.]

[The smartphone screen now shows the "Drug coverage" page. A box appears around each patient information field to be filled out: full name, postal code and drug. An arrow points to each box one by one as they are completed.]

[Text on screen: Tap Search]

[At the bottom of the same page, the "Search" button blinks as it is selected.]

[Text on screen: Select the right drug]

[The screen then shows the results (doses) for the drug the patient is looking for (e.g., Crestor). A box appears around the Crestor 10MG TAB. An arrow points to the box, and then blinks as the selection is made.]

[Text on screen: Choose the pharmacy]

[The screen then displays a page that confirms that the drug is covered and gives its average retail price and a list of pharmacies close to the postal code entered that sell Crestor 10MG TAB. The retail price is provided for each pharmacy. A box appears around Pharmacy North. An arrow points to the box and then blinks as the selection is made.]

[Text on screen: Get a price based on your drug plan]

[The screen then shows the average retail price of the drug at this pharmacy, with and without a drug plan. A box appears around the amount the patient will pay based on the plan, which is lower than the retail price. An arrow points to the box.]

[Text on screen: Save by choosing the generic drug. See the calculation breakdown.]

[Then a box appears around the lower generic drug price the patient will pay based on their drug plan. An arrow points to the box. A circle appears around a question mark. An arrow points to the circle.]

[Text on screen: Factors influencing the reimbursement]

[The screen then shows the calculation breakdown page. A box appears around the factors influencing the reimbursement (example for information only).]

[Text on screen: And the amount covered by your insurance]

[Still on the calculation breakdown page, the amount payable based on the plan is displayed: average retail price – amount paid by insurance = amount patient pays for the drug. A box appears around the amount paid by insurance. An arrow points to the box.]

[Text on screen: It's as easy as that.]

[The simulation is now over, and the phone goes back to the app home screen, with its various features. Green bands from the Desjardins logo frame the phone, then stretch out to cover the entire screen.]

[Image on screen: The Desjardins Financial Security logo gradually takes shape.]

[Background music: End with Desjardins 6-note jingle.]


How to submit a wellness account claim using Omni (1 min 15 s)

Online services showcase

Our online services (PDF, 1.1 MB) Opens in a new window.

Plan sponsor version (MP4, 65.4 MB) External link. Opens in a new window..

[Image on screen: Desjardins Insurance logo]

[Background music: Light music]

[Text on screen: Are you familiar with our group insurance online services?]

Voiceover: Are you familiar with our group insurance online services?

[Text on screen: Secure online plan administration]

[Image on screen: Computer and phone next to each other. Zoom in on the screen, which displays Desjardins' secure website.]

Voiceover: You can use our website to manage your group insurance plan, even down to the smallest details.

[Text on screen: Manage plan members' profiles – Invoices and reports – And much more…]

[Image on screen: Zoom in on the screen where three circles appear next to each other with icons – A file, an invoice and a "+" sign]

Voiceover: Among other things, you can easily manage plan members' benefits and profiles, review your invoices and group insurance reports, and much more.

[Text on screen: Omni mobile app]

[Image on screen: Back to general view with computer and cellphone next to each other. A hand navigates the Omni app on the cellphone.]

Voiceover: And plan members can use the website and mobile app to submit claims online, access their profiles and manage their group retirement savings account if their plan is with Desjardins.

[Image on screen: Three icons appear next to each other on the phone – an online claim, a file and a dollar sign.]

[Text on screen: Claims, Profile, Group retirement savings account]

Voiceover: They can take the quiz on the Health is Cool 360° platform

[Text on screen: Health is Cool 360° platform]

[Image à l'écran: Two circles appear next to each other in the middle of the screen with an icon in each one: A computer with a lock on the screen and a phone with the Health is Cool 360° logo]

Voiceover: …to get a snapshot of the state of their health and get tips to help them improve it.

[Image à l'écran: Zoom in on the computer screen. It shows the Health is Cool 360° logo and a numbered list of 8 items appears.]

[Text on screen: Personalized health tips]

[Text on screen: Drug cost simulator]

Voiceover: With the drug cost simulator, they can see whether their medication is covered, its fair price and even how much the reimbursement will be.

[Legal text on screen: Not available with all plans.]

[Text on screen: Drug cost simulator – Drug coverage – Fair price – Reimbursement]

[Image on screen: Three icons appear one after the other- a medication bottle, a calculator with a growing number and a wallet being filled with cash.]

Voiceover: Employees can use Epsylio, an online service based on artificial intelligence that can help them find solutions to their personal or professional problems.

[Text on screen: Epsylio logo]

[Image on screen: A blurred puzzle on which the logo appears.]

[Text on screen: support for employees]

Voiceover: Online services that are simple, smart and innovative, and that meet both your needs and your plan members' needs…

[Image on screen: 6 circles appear one after the other across the screen – In order, the following icons appear on the circles: computer with a lock on the screen, phone with the Claim 360 logo on the screen, Epsylio logo, invoice, sheet with a graph and the Health is Cool 360 logo.]

Voiceover: …will help support your company and the people who make it a success.

[Image on screen: Splitscreen in four colours. Each quarter of the screen has a different character in it: A man in a white shirt, a woman in a pink shirt and a white helmet, a woman with grey hair and a stethoscope, and a man in green overalls.]

Voiceover: Just another way we keep your best interests in mind.

[Image on screen: Two green bars appear above and below the text.]

[Text on screen: We keep your best interests in mind.]

[Image on screen: Desjardins Insurance logo]


Plan member version (MP4, 44.7 MB) External link. Opens in a new window.
